How Can I Extend My Car’s Lifespan?
Posted April 26, 2024

Do you know what they say about auto repair? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you take the time to maintain your vehicle through regular visits with an auto repair team, you can keep your car stronger for longer. According to Carsurance, the average vehicle owner keeps a car for nearly eight and a half years. Here’s how you can keep yours longer.
Avoid Revving Your Engine
We know what it’s like sitting behind the wheel of your car, waiting for it to warm up. Revving the engine feels so good. However, it typically just adds years of life to your engine, especially if you do it while it’s cold or parked. In the same way, letting your car idle to warm up in the morning is a bad idea (unfortunately), so you might just have to shiver a bit on your way to work during the winter months.
Shifting Into Neutral (or Park) While Stopping
Are you like most people and simply holding the brakes while at the stop light? That’s a huge mistake, even if millions do it daily! When you do this, your car is constantly trying to push forward, even while you’re stopped — unless you shift into park or neutral. Then, your car will rest easily and put less strain on the engine and brakes, though neutral on a hill is a very bad idea indeed!
Take Some Keys Off Your Chain
Have you ever stopped and thought about all those keys on your keychain? Do you really need most of them? If you don’t, consider removing them to take the weight off your keys. Heavy keys can cause ignition switch failure by putting unnecessary weight on the switch. Naturally, you don’t have to worry about this issue if your car is a push-button deal — as most new models are these days.
By working with a skilled auto repair team and maintaining your car, you can help it last a lot longer. Talk about big savings! Maintenance will always cost less than fixing a car. If you’re in need of vehicle maintenance or a larger auto repair, don’t hesitate to reach out to our professional team at Keller Bros Auto Repair. We take great pride in our customer service, so you can feel confident knowing we’ll get the job done right.
Categories: Car Care Tips