Signs That You Need Your Brakes Fixed

Posted January 31, 2023

Partnering with a trusted car repair shop is one of the best things you can do to ensure the safe operation of your car. One of the most important parts of your car is your brakes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, faulty brakes are responsible for about

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Categories: Car Care Tips


Posted January 1, 2023

Colorado has already been hit hard by Old Man Winter this year and there’s still a lot of calendar space between now and the start of spring. With Metro Denver roads currently less-than-ideal in terms of drivability thanks to snow, ice, etc., here are a few items you can keep

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Categories: Car Care Tips

Should You Repair Your Car or Buy a New One?

Posted December 7, 2022

Are you dealing with car trouble? If so, you may be wondering whether it’s smarter to invest in repairs or replace your vehicle entirely. While there are some situations where buying a new car may be necessary, you’ll find that repair is often the easier and less expensive option in

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Categories: Car Care Tips

Tire Maintenance Tips

Posted December 2, 2022

In terms of vehicle safety, the importance of having dependable tires cannot be overstated. As such, proper tire maintenance should be a priority for all drivers. While that statement may seem obvious, many drivers are guilty of neglecting their tires and not performing regular maintenance on them. Neglecting your tires

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Categories: Car Care Tips

Winter Road Hazards

Posted November 1, 2022

There’s no shortage of elements to deal with during the winter months here in Colorado. Snow, freezing rain, black ice, you name it – we get it all. As a result of unfavorable weather and other factors, road conditions can be quite hazardous for Front Range drivers this time of

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Categories: Car Care Tips

Check Your Headlights

Posted October 1, 2022

When was the last time you checked your headlights? Not just by looking at the reflection on the car in front of you, or at what’s shining on your garage wall when you pull in… but actually took the time to check on your headlights? Unless you stand in front

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Categories: Car Care Tips

3 Care Basics for a First Time Car Owner

Posted September 29, 2022

If you just bought your first vehicle, you want it to remain safe and efficient for a long time. For that to happen, you have a huge role to play such as getting your vehicle tuned regularly. According to Keller Bros, your vehicle should get a tune-up every 30,000 miles

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Categories: Car Care Tips

5 Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter

Posted September 7, 2022

When you live in Colorado, you must be prepared for those winter months because life does not stop when the weather gets bad. Now is the time to get a wheel alignment, new tires, and winterize your vehicle. Here are five tips for getting ready for the winter and why

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Categories: Car Care Tips